Planting a Winter Crop

Activities on the farm the last couple of months have been busy with two main activities – sowing a winter seed mix, and spraying lantana whilst it is flowering.

Bare soil is the antithesis of regenerative farming. The sun beats down onto bare soil, drying it out, heating it up, and generally messing up soil microbiome processes. Rain also impacts the surface in a way that doesn’t occur on covered soil, and soil erosion is more likely to occur. Weeds take hold. The lack of living plants also means the soil microbiome isn’t being fed.

Anyone who has done biology would know about photosynthesis; it is via photosynthesis that plants produce energy to live and grow from light, CO2 and water.

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A Farm?

Why is a city dwelling engineer and his family buying a farm?

Family and close friends will know that whilst I grew up in the suburbs, I was around the age of 5 when my parents purchased a farm that the family would travel to on weekends and holidays. We spent many days traipsing over the acres chasing cattle, pushing through lantana, dragging poly pipe up creeks, and swimming in some pretty nice waterholes!

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Welcome to the Farming Adventures blog, where I will share some of our experiences as new farmers!

Those of you who have come across from our old previous blog,, will know that my name is Simon, my wife is Nicole and we have two sons Jonathan and Daniel. We are located in SE Queensland, Australia. We aren’t full time farmers, I still hold my Engineering job, and Nicole her job also (in Brisbane). However, we do spend as much time as possible out on the farm, heading out each weekend and for holidays too.

I expect this blog to be less wordy than aroundaus – shorter posts I hope! Still plenty of nice images though, to show the farm and what is going on.

I’m a bit late getting started with this – we purchased the farm in August 2020, almost a year ago. However, I will get into that in the next post; what we’ve purchased and why!